The Van Den Bosch case shows issues in different responsiveness and cultural values and cross culture communication. In the case, Johannes van den Bosch, the Rotterdam office representative of Big Four Firm, is having problems communicating and getting the expected actions and results from his partner in Mexico, Pablo Menendez. As the result of this Van den Bosch has been receiving a lot of verbal abuse and pressure from his angry British client, Malcolm Smythe-Jones. In the hope to please his client and solving the problem, van den Bosch composes an email for Menendez expressing his concerns and the situation that they are in.
His intention was to send an email in a very strong tone (get his act together) to make Menendez aware of the situation with the client. He also wanted to point out that late or no response from him is unacceptable and that the result of their teamwork has not been satisfactory.
2. What was the effect of his editing the email to “stick to the facts”?
Looking at the expression of conflict, Van Den Bosch is aware that his unedited Email would be very inappropriate, rude and not professional. However his intention with rewording the email is to set the focus on the facts and figures and not trying to ask for the problems Mr. Menendez is probably facing at the moment or trying to understand the entire situation from a different point of view.
His personality is very direct instead of relationship building and getting to know why he is not responsive to client needs
3. How do you think Menendez will react to the email? Why?
I see a problem in Van Den Bosch’s demanded action list which include 5 points to be fulfilled by his Mexican partner. The wording “today” as well as his demand and requirement for a weekly report, to most likely check on Menendez performance, “as of today” will most likely fail. His Mexican partner will most likely feel treated very