Did I actually kill a person directly? Vera thought. Her brain transported her back to her past. Her indirect murder was flashing back.
Cyril, I couldn't save you. I can't say I'm sorry, because I just killed a man.
She dropped the gun. It was a weapon that symbolized murder and hate. Vera was supposed to be a level-headed person, but her fear dominated her.
She was filled with regret; however, her remorse faded as she calculated the reward. It meant that she was the only one left and no one could kill her.
"Yes!" cried Vera hysterically. "I'm …show more content…
Waiting for his unjustified death; he was not the murderer.
"One little Indian boy," Vera started. She padded heavily up the porch steps in a drunken manner.
"Left all alone," she recalled. She touched the doorknob where corpses did many times before. The condition of the door knob was still nearly perfect.
The elegant house, which once inhabited ten, only had one occupant left. The lone girl entered the once joyful place with a sigh. The stillness of the air became mobile as Vera exhaled thoughtfully.
"Now that I killed the murderer, what do I do?" Vera asked herself. She decided to rest for the night and recover from all the hours she had lost. On her way to her bedroom, she past her acquaintances' corpses. However, she did not feel anything but indifference towards the dead men and women.
She paused in front of her room. It seemed to bring back horrible memories of terror and restless nights.
"This room is haunted. I will relocated somewhere else," Vera declared. "No one would care, because I'm the only survivor."
She decided to quickly go in and collect her belongings. Then she would move to a more sane, secure, and clean room.