University of Phoenix Verizon is a Fortune 500 company leading the industry in delivering quality customer service and products to its customers. According to Verizon’s “Financial Guide (2010), their mission is to “enable people and business to communicate with each other…[by] providing full and open communication to customers, employees, and investors.” With all the great things that Verizon has going for them, it is still of great importance that Verizon continues to move forward with achieving its goals. Verizon should be able to use their strengths to create both a strategic and operational plan. One of Verizon’s strengths is excellent customer service. To continue to offer great customer service Verizon should …show more content…
One of the ones that many companies do is getting involved in the community. “Verizon leverages the power of its network technology, philanthropy, and employees to address pressing problems in education, healthcare and energy management to create long-term value” ("Improving Communities: Our Approach", 2014).When customers see that a company is involved in the community, it further expands the company’s brand as well as the company’s image. One of Verizon’s goal is to “foster social innovation by using advanced technology to accelerate social change in education, healthcare and energy management” This is a great goal for a company whose brand stands for quality and excellence. Verizon can start to foster social environment by offering programs that teach students about technology and concepts in communication. Verizon could get involved with health care by offering innovative communication strategies that can be used to assist health care professionals in communicating with each other and patients. A good strategy that will allow Verizon to be involved in energy management would be to reduce emissions. Verizon can do this by incorporating solar and fuel cell energy projects to decrease emissions. With Verizon taking this action to improve their contribution to the effect on the environment, they will see that Verizon cares about the environment and striving to make it better. These strategies to foster social innovation will greatly impact the company’s stakeholders. The community, which will consist of many of Verizon’s customers, will be at the frontline of this change. They will be positively impacted in knowing that the company they do business with are concerned with some of the same interest they are. Employees will also be impacted because they will have to implement the strategy and work with health care providers and education systems to be able to implement the strategies on. Investors will also be impacted because