1. Brook, Timothy. Vermeer’s Hat. New York: Bloomsbury, 2008. Print.
Comparatively, the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) and the North West Company (NWC) are both different in terms of business practices and location. Specifically, the HBC established trade posts along Hudson’s Bay, staying within that territory where, in consequence, traders and trappers had traveled long distances to trade. Regarding business, all other furs were priced accordingly to the most valuable fur of a beaver, leaving no negotiation of price as the HBC was strict in trade.…
1. How does Cornelius Engelbrecht come to own what may be a lost Vermeer painting?…
To understand the significance of Minnesota’s fur trade to the development of the state, one must appreciate the various different players involved which commenced with the early explorers. Influential French explorers commenced with Daniel Greysolon who traded French goods for beaver…
Champlain forth between Canada and France to look for money and trading ventures. Hats made from beaver fur were becoming the rage in Europe, and North America seemed to be a place where money could be made.…
In the 1830s, demand for beaver was falling, as the fashion trends that made every European and American gentleman want a beaver hat waned. Silk hats took over.…
Countless scholars deem that the fur trade crooked the Natives into addicts, badly pursuing European commodities, however, it is imperative to distinguish that within this exchange they were able to acquire European weapons and thus shield themselves. In trade for these European exports the Native Americans fabricated the skins of many animals including some spiritually revered once like deer and bears. However, the revenues and need for these animals was noticeably inferior to that of the cherished beaver. The beaver’s fur was well thought out to be more treasured than that of other animals due largely to its two coatings. It comprises of a course external layer as well as a smooth, diminutive interior.…
While they had hunted beavers strictly for practicality before Europeans arrived, they traded excessive amounts of beaver pelts to Euro Americans in the fur trade. Due to a rapidly declining population from introduced diseases and the desire of foreign manufactured goods, such as addictive alcohol and cooking utensils, Native Americans were forced by the market to act as middlemen in the fur trade.3 This shift in perspective is notable because it exemplifies the ability of the market to commodify a natural resource and to motivate people to participate in a society founded on material affluence. Native Americans became tempted by the values of a capitalistic society and engaged an economy that ran on a concept of wealth they did not understand, and this allowed them to see the value of America’s ample resources differently than they…
The message or the moral of the painting is to remember the basic Christian values, to do charity through religion and to accept really over piety. The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch, c. 1505-1510 use a misleading format which was not a necessary altarpiece painting intended for…
In the mid 1900s, the beaver was almost extinct because in the peak of the fur trade, 100 000 beaver pelts were shipped to Europe every year. Soon, the Europeans started wearing silk hats and then the fur hats…
I’ve been waiting to show you this project for a long time and I finally got my hair to work out long enough (thanks to a sideways clipped bang extension) to take a decent photo of my finished hat (above) so that I could complete the post. I’m not entirely sure what you would call this style of hat exactly. I know that it resembles a “halo hat”, but a true halo hat has a band almost like a huge beret, so that’s not it. I’m going to go with “1940’s large brim hat”. I became inspired to try this out when I was at the thrift store a couple of weeks ago and saw a hat partially sticking out from under one of the racks. It was covered in dust and looked like it had been kicked all around the store before it ran and hid under some hanging sweaters.…
As individuals migrated to the modern day United States, many obstacles would stand in their way. Trade and exchange played the most important element in shaping the Colonial America’s, and I will argue just that in this paper. It’s without a doubt that trade has and always will be something that people can’t live without. Archaeologists have traced early signs of trade as far back as 15,000 years ago. The concept of trade can change the whole complexity of a society. So many factors were involved in the formation of modern day United States, but without trade none of that would have been possible.…
In This POW, our task was to find out how Carletta, a highly intelligent and very talkative student solved her wise teacher’s problem. She and two other students were complaining about the number of POW’s that they have had to complete throughout the semester. The teacher and the three students made a deal. The three complaining students would close their eyes and sit down in chairs. While they were sitting down, the teacher would take three hats out of a possible five, (3 blue hats and 2 red hats) and place one hat on each student’s head and then hide the other two. Then, one at a time, the students would open their eyes, look at the other two students’ heads, and try to guess which color hat was on their own head. The students had two options. They could either to guess what color of hat they had on their own head or pass. If a student guessed the correct color of hat on their own head they would be exempt from any POW’s the rest of the semester, but if they guess wrong they had to do all of the POW’s as well as grading all of the others students’ POW’s. The other option is to pass, if a student chose to pass then the workload stayed the same. The first student, Arturo, opened his eyes and looked at the other person’s heads. He couldn’t tell for sure what color of hat he had on, so he decided to pass. The next student, Belicia, looked up and saw that she couldn’t tell by looking at the other’s hats either so she decided to pass also. Carletta was third. She sat there, with her eyes still closed tightly and said, “I know what color hat I have on,” and she gave the correct answer. Our task is to find out how she did this.…
they knew that they were the style in Europe and they traded fur for kettle, guns and other…
This magnificent painting dates back to Lascaux, France 15,000-13,000 B.C.E. It was found on cave walls and it is said to represent one of the earliest examples of artistic expression. We can see that this piece was created during the Paleolithic period because; they are images walls using paint on limestone. We can see that the primitive people used natural rock contours, which suggested the animal’s volumes and portrayed real representations of a major role in their lives, which were the animals. We can see horses, bulls, deer, cows and more animals on the walls of these caves. Furthermore, the images of the animals are overlapping earlier illustrations; this would suggest that what made the people at the time want to paint the animals was the simple act of portraying them, instead of focusing on the effect that their act would achieve. On the religious part of this piece, we know that several of the paintings were situated far from the entrance of the caves. This type of placement followed by the gigantic size and great importance of them would tell us that the secluded rooms were used for ceremonial and sacred gathering places. I would have to agree with this interpretation due to the fact that it is believed that main use of the caves was for worship and initiation rituals.…
My paper is about Hieronymus Bosch’s Last Judgement triptych painting. I chose this painting because it’s has an dark interesting theme and its reference to the bible. This painting was done by Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch on 1482. Bosch was born in 1450 in s-Hergenbotch, Burgundian Netherlands. It’s unknown when he started painting and how learned to paint. There is very little information on his life because he didn’t left any diaries or letters and not much is learned from his records in the city he grew up in, leaving many of his personal information such as real birth date to be unknown. He started his life of painting after a fire started in his town when he was thirteen and later on he became an outstanding artist who often received commissions from abroad schools. In 1488 he joined the brotherhood of our lady, an arch-conservative religious group some of the most influential and respected citizens of s-Hergenbotch. And about 7000 members from all around Europe. He became interested in the bible and became known for his macabre and nightmarish depictions of hell. ``…