I would take this opportunity to thank the people who helped me in making this project which has been a learning experience. In that endeavour, first and foremost I would express my gratitude toward my professor of Law of Torts Ms Manjula Batra. Her immense knowledge and teaching skills along with her helping disposition are where all of this stemmed from. Next, I would thank my seniors in the faculty who gave us guidelines as to how to go about the research. These are the people who were always there with me in the making of this project. Heartfelt thanks to all the above-mentioned people.
Books and Journals referred: 1. Salmond, Torts, 18th Ed 2. HOLMES Common Law, pp. 179 (180) 3. The Law of Torts by Ratanlal and Dhirajlal 4. Law of Torts by Dr R. K. Bangia 5. Law of Torts by B.M.Gandhi
Websites referred: 1. www.legalserviceindia.com
1. Brook v. Hook (1871) LR 6 Ex 89 2. Keighly Maxsted & Co. v. Durant (1901) AC 240 p.260 : 84 LT 777 (HL) 3. PER LOCH, J., in Rani Shamasundari Debi v. Dukhu Mandal (1869) 2 Beng LR (AACJ) 227 (229) 4. Bird v. Brown (1850) 4 Ex 786 (799); Buron v. Denman (1848) 2 Ex 167 5. Baxi Amrik Singh v. The Union of India (1973) 75 P.L.R. 1 at p.7 6. Imperical Chemical Industries Ltd. V. Shatwell (1965) AC 656 (685) 7. Stevenson Jordan and Harrison v. MacDonald and Evens (1952) 1 TLR 101 8. Morgan v. Incorporated Central Council (1936) 1 All E.R. 404 9. Govindarajulu v. M.L.A. Govindaraja Mudaliar A.I.R. 1966 Mad. 332 10. Rylands v. Fletcher (1868) L.R. 3 H.L. 330 11. Manganbhai v. Ishwarbhai A.I.R. 1984 Guj. 69 12. Barwick v. English Joint Stock Bank (1867) L.R. 2 Ex. 259 at 266 13. National Insurance Co., Kanpur v. Yogendra Nath AIR 1982 All. 385 14. Storey v.