-Since a large part of the poor children had to work public jobs to help support their families many parents thought of children as income, and having more children who worked raised the income of the home. Many parents had 10 or 12 or even more children for this reason alone.
How old did children have to be to work in Victorian Times?
-Victorian children would be made to go to work at a very young age. As unbelievable as it sounds, sometimes even 4 or 5 years old. Actually this was not unique only to the Victorian age; children had been expected to work for centuries before this. Victorian Children at Work
-They worked very hard and for long hours every day. On the job safety was not a major concern and they were expected to work in filthy conditions many times. They really had no choice in the matter. Their parents made them work to help pay the bills at home.
What types of jobs did they do?
- They were considered cheap labor Victorian children were in high demand for many types of jobs including mining, factory work, street sweepers, clothing and hat makers, chimney sweeps, farming, textile mills, servants, and sadly, prostitution. As you may have already noticed, the British had very little regard for children.
Victorian Child Labor was prevalent in the Victorian Era. Here is a list of several types of jobs that children did.
Coal mines Laundry for pay
Chimney Sweep Sweated Trades
Factory Worker Matchmaking
Scare the birds from the fields Pottery Making
Farm Worker Textile Mill
Ship Yard Pick Pocket
Seller in the Streets Rail station
Domestic Servant Hat Making
Rat Catcher Prostitution
-As you can see Victorian Child Labor covered a broad spectrum of occupations. To cover all of them in this article would be a monumental task to be sure. However, we will look into some of the more prevalent jobs that children did in Victorian times.
Coal mines:
-Coal was very important to the Victorians because