
Violations During The Holocaust

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Violations During The Holocaust
The Holocaust, also referred to as the Shoah, has been one of the most horrific events that has occurred in the history of humanity. It was a time period in which Jews were viewed upon as “an inferior race” and an “alien threat to German racial purity and community,” as well as to all of Europe (History). During the Holocaust, approximately six million Jews were killed by the Nazis, who were led by their leader and Fuhrer of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler. Hitler hated the Jews for having a successful life and for their different aspect, for he wanted a race that consisted of blonde hair and blue eyes. Therefore, the people that didn’t meet his standards, as well as his views were segregated from the rest and were then hated upon. Czechoslovakians, …show more content…
Not only were Jews stripped away from their human rights, but so were they of their homes and property. “Nazi stormtroopers in civilian clothes burned down synagogues and broke into Jewish homes” terrorising and beating men, women, and children (Paulsson). “Jewish businesses were expropriated, private employers were urged to sack Jewish employees, and offices were set up to speed emigration” (Paulsson). After such violence, Jews were then “arrested and taken to concentration camps” (Paulsson). Those who were imprisoned, could only “buy freedom if they promised to leave the country, abandoning their assets” (Paulsson), Then, in September of 1939, the Nazis began killing people, “but the first victims were not Jews,” they were individuals “with physical and mental disabilities whom they regarded as a burden on the state and a threat to the nation’s ‘racial hygiene’” (Paulsson). And late December of 1941, “death camp operations began,” in which “people were killed by exhaust fumes in specially modified vans, which were then driven to nearby sites where the bodies were plundered and burnt” (Paulsson). To make matters worse, gassing operations only continued to expand “in the spring of 1943,” using the victims’ belongings;” “gold teeth were melted down” and their hair was “used to stuff mattresses” (Paulsson). In general, the lives of the victims was full of hatred, discrimination, and torture, a suffering that’ll never be

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