Jamaica is becoming a place in which the human population (which now numbers more than four million) is becoming more crowded, more consuming, more polluting, more connected, and in many ways less diverse than at any time in history. There is a growing recognition that we the people (humans) are altering the Jamaican Soil (Earth)? natural systems at all scales, from local to global, at an unprecedented rate, changes that can only be compared to events that marked the great transitions in the geobiological eras of Jamaica Soil? The question now arises whether it is possible to satisfy the needs of the Jamaica population that is growing exponentially while preserving the carrying capacity of our ecosystems and biological and cultural diversity. A related question is what should be done now as an engineer to attain the nation goals and in the near future to ensure that the basic needs for water, sanitation, nutrition, health, safety, and meaningful work are fulfilled for all the people (humans). These commitments were defined as the "Vision 2030 Development Goals" by the Planning Institute of Jamaica Assembly dated 2009 (Jamaica National Development Plan, 2009).
In Addition, the enhancement of the financial efficiency by the above means can be deterred if the nation does not have the technical capability to make great technology decisions. It has been proven that the world has numerous examples of capital wastage through unsuitable technology being imposed on developing countries because there was not wise buyer capability, (World Development Report, 2005). This is where I come in as an Engineer.
Contributions to the National Vision as an Engineer
The risk of poor decisions sadly increases when governments do not recognize the need for technical expertise (Engineers), (World Development Report, 2005). Now as an Engineer, one’s can attain the national Vision- “Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business.” by, the