Jamaica Vision 2030
The vision 2030 objectives are to transform Jamaica into an economic powerhouse with a sustainable growth by 2030 thus becoming a middle-income, prosperous country. Vision 2030 Jamaica is our country’s first long-term national developments plan which aims at enabling Jamaica to achieve developed country status by 2030. It is based on a comprehensive vision:
“Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business”.
Vision 2030 Jamaica introduces a new paradigm, which redefines the strategic direction for Jamaica and puts us on a different path – a path that will lead to sustainable prosperity. Vision 2030 Jamaica is built on four strategic goals for our country’s development.
One of the long term plans of vision 2030 is economic sector plan, which includes all the areas that relate to economic sector such as macro economy and trade, agriculture, construction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing and tourism.
A stable macro economy vision for Jamaica is to have an economy that provides a high standard of living for the people, a strong and stable economic foundation that provides favorable conditions for sustainable economic growth and development.
This considers the level of output, employment, prices, saving, investment and trade of a country as a whole.
Under the plan of vision 2030 Jamaica, the development of modern and efficient framing systems are in order, improving agriculture marketing structure and loan programs’ for farmers, protecting prime agricultural lands and promote national food security.
For construction sector, developing an internationally competitive construction industry that supports economic development through the use of the best construction technologies and practices.
Mining and Quarrying will regain competitive edge in bauxite and alumina industry under vision 2030, especially by reducing the cost of energy. Also placing adequate port facilities for shipping minerals