This Power Point Presentation will present how evidence-based practice will influence trends in healthcare and the future of nursing, how the application of nursing theory will continue to influence professional nursing practice, the nurse’s current role is in research, as well as how new roles and opportunities will benefit nursing and healthcare in general.
Evidence based practice will influence trends in healthcare and the future of nursing
According to Chitty and Black (2011), “Evidence-based practice (EBP) means using the best available research findings to make clinical decisions that are most effective and beneficial for patients” (p.258). Evidence-based practice consists of specific nursing interventions or guideline for the care of patients with certain illness and procedures in order to provide best patient outcomes. Before the established of evidence-based practice, nurses have practice based their past experience, intuition, and guesswork rather than science (Chitty & Black, 2011, p.258). “The intended effect of EBP is to standardize healthcare practices to science and best evidence and to reduce illogical variation in care, which is known to produce unpredictable health outcomes” (Stevens, 2013).
Implementing evidence-based practice can be challenges. It is essential that nurses gain the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and analyze the scientific evidence and critically appraise the evidence to decide if the results are valid and reliable. Besides, nurses need to integrate the evidence with clinical expertise, patient preferences, and values in making a decision to change. According to Blais and Hayes (2011), “nurses should evaluate the effectiveness of the practice guideline in order to determine whether to continue the practice guideline as established or whether there is a need for revision” (p.184).
As the older adult population is expanding rapidly, they require teaching and nursing intervention