Theology 110
Professor Johnston
Vocation and Marriage
In the vocation of marriage the husband is to love and serve his wife, and the wife is to love and serve her husband. God instituted marriage near the beginning of time in Genesis. Nowadays we can clearly see how sin has got the best of marriage by twisting its meanings and blessings that are supposed to come out of this life-long vow. Love is the basis and backbone of every marriage and its vocation. This is especially true in marriage with God’s undeserved love for us. This is the reason Christians live their lives to the best of their God-given abilities to better their vocation in marriage.
In life so many people want a relationship with a significant other. This may be because our society is so influential in the aspect of falling in love. Stressing over finding “the perfect one” should not be an option. No one is perfect so it’s impossible to find your other half. The best choice is one that you can see yourself marrying. The qualifications for marriage should stand the test of your morals. Because of one’s own vocations in life they must take these into consideration when looking for a spouse. As a Christian the best quality too seek out is the same faith that both of you can share. Our first vocation (literally meaning to be called) should be living a life as a child of God happy to serve him everywhere we go.
God first loved us abundantly enough to send his son to save us. We in turn love him enough to perform every action using the gifts given us in life to his glory and praise. The main way to do this is to show love to our fellow neighbors on this earth. The closest human a person can ever grow closest to in life is their spouse. God instituted marriage for the purpose of companionship, children, and chastity. All three of these should never be taken for granted. Marriage is a huge responsibility. The devil uses as many tactics as he possibly can to try and tear us
Bibliography: Hein, Steven. Luther on Vocatio: Ordinary Life for Ordinary Saints. Reformation & Renewal. (Winter 1999). p 121-142. Journal Article. Hoerber, Robert G. Concordia Self-study Bible. St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House,1986. Print. Kolb, Robert. Called to milk cows and govern kingdoms: Martin Luther 's teaching on the Christian 's vocations. Concordia Journal. 39 no 2 Spr 2013, p 133-141. Web Article.Kuske, David P., Gerald Kastens, Karl Walther, Daniel Witte, Michael Zuberbier, Lyle E. Albrecht, Owen A. Dorn, Paul Burmeister, and Gary Shea. Luther 's Catechism Lessons. Milwaukee, WI: Northwestern Pub. House, 2003. p 91-98. Print.Monday, William A. Rainbow Savior. Bloomington, IN: WestBow, p 139-159. 2014. Print. Nestingen, James. Luther on Marriage, Vocation, and the Cross. Word & World. (Winter 2003). p 31-38. Print. Pless, John T. Vocation: Fruit of the Liturgy. Logia (Holy Trinity 2002). p 9-20. Journal Article.Veith, Gene Edward. Called by the Gospel. The Lutheran Witness. p 1-4. Dec. 2001. Web Article.Veith, Gene Edward. The Spirituality of the Cross: The Way of the First Evangelicals. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Pub. House, 2003. p 89-114. Print.