The few lines above present a broad description of the major differences between Voodoo as a traditional religion, and Christianity. Though the concept of God is found in both religions, there is a steady ground to confess that they are not serving the same God. From this affirmation, one question will rise: which one of these religions is serving the true God?
Despite the fact that the answer to that question is not a difficult one, one should be bold enough to assert that no matter the answer provided, it will always find the favour of some, while it will be rejected by others. However, this should not prevent anyone to let the truth spring forth, because the Bible says “Know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
One of the most important aspects of religion in general is the fact that, most of the …show more content…
This can go from their moral value to the way they raise up their children to be independent and the respect shown unto the elders. However, when consider their beliefs and interaction with the spiritual world, major questions and doubt arise.
It should be noted that Traditional Religion operates mainly on lies (as far as divination is concerned) and a fear-based system. This is to say that Traditionalists do everything out of fear: fear to not be cursed and to not be punished by the spirits. This is why appeasement of these spirits is a must. Also, the fact the sprits they serve are those of mere mortals who cannot offer much when it comes to eternal life, they miss on the hope of salvation, since only Jesus can grant access to that.
Nevertheless, though Christianity might not be innocent, Christians are leaving neither under the obligation to appease any spirit for sin committed, nor in the necessity to maintain