The question over the existence of free will has raged on over many years. Many feel that God, saw an omniscient being, must be aware of all that has happened and all that will happen. Supporters of the cosmological argument would suggest that everything has a cause and that god was the initial cause, “the unmoved mover” (Tomas Aquinus), this would support the idea that humanity has no free will as everything is pre determined. This highlights the idea that humanity is not free, and even when we think we have a choice our actions have already been determined.
Free will is the concept that humanity has the ability to make their own choices, this suggests that humanity has a moral understanding that is inherent and God given. Some people argue that you are born with this morality and it does not develop. Christians would argue that this morality is god given, and that we merely develop it through our upbringing. If Christians accept the concept of God, then it is necessary that they view God as omniscient, this would suggest he knows everything we have done and everything we will do, thus taking away free will. However, many Christians take the view that god gave us free will after he cast Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. In this way moral responsibility can exist and there can be a differentiation between a person who acts morally and immorally because there is now the option of choice.
Libertarians would agree with this idea, suggesting we always have a choice. Christian Libertarians argue that God simply offers moral guidance but allows us to behave in the way we want to. Libertarianism is the theory that humans do have genuine freedom to make a morally undetermined decision, although our behaviour may be partially determined by external factors. Libertarianism is the view that when faced with the choice between right and wrong we do act as free agents. Generally libertarianists