Contents Title 1 Introduction 3 Literature review 3 Conclusion 9 References 11
Health service is defined as a top most service that is related to the diagnosis and treatment of disease, or the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health (Capezuti, Siegler and Mezey, 2007). There are personal and non personal health services. In UK, National Health Service (NHS) launched in the year 1948. Now it is the world’s largest publically funded health service. The health service in NHS is adorned with efficiency and comprehensive to provide maximum help and support for the needed people. Social care is defined as a profession where people work in partnership with those who experience marginalisation or disadvantage or who needs special care and support, vulnerable people leaving in the community and in the residential care ( Miller, Vandome and McBrewster, 2009). The policies and the legislations for support the caring and supporting the elder people are very important and it should be cared by each health professionals and by the society ( Care quality commission provides the assurance for the quality of care and support for the residence in the care homes residential homes with the support of policies and legislations in the England.
The aim of this essay is to identify the law that is related to vulnerable adults is the lack of resources.
Literature review
In definition, a vulnerable adult is a person aged over the sixteen and not able to protect or take care of himself. There are number of reasons behind it; they are illness, physical disability, mental illness, drug or alcohol dependency and old age.
The children act 1989 offer social workers and local authorities a clear legal framework to go along with their duties and obligations. This act is to provide maximum
References: Backhaus, P. (2011) Communication in Elderly Care: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Continuum International Publishing, Baggett, S Capezuti, L., Siegler, and Mezey, M. D. (2007) Encyclopedia of Elder Care: The Comprehensive Resource on Geriatric and Social Care , Springer Publishing Company Duquenoy, P., George, C Fulmer, T. T., Foreman, M. D. and Walker, M. K. (2001) Critical Care Nursing of the Elderly. Springer Publishing Company Gupta, A., Playfer, J Kamp, A. and Hvid, H. (2012) Elderly Care in Transition: Management, Meaning and Identity at Work. A Scandinavian Perspective. Copenhagen Business School Press Lechner, V Miller, F. P., Vandome, A. F. and McBrewster , J. (2009) Elderly Care. Alphascript Publishing Norman, I Roit, B. D. (2010). Strategies of Care: Changing Elderly Care in Italy and the Netherlands. Amsterdam University Press Williams, D