A Vulnerable population is a group of individuals that lack the ability to protect themselves or their interests fully or independently. This can also be interpreted as lacking the ability to give informed legal consent. Lack of this could lead to economic exploitation, risk of incarceration, or being taken unfair advantage of. The USA Code of Federal Regulations stipulates that Vulnerable populations includes children, pregnant women, prisoners, educationally or economically disadvantaged persons, mentally disabled persons. Other organizations this is expanded to include ethnic minorities, patients with certain medical conditions or underinsured and elderly persons. This paper will focus on the vulnerability of children.
Children Vulnerability
Children are considered a vulnerable population since they lack the ability to give legal consent. It is perceived that they may differ from the adult authority that gives consent on their behalf. They could also be coerced or influenced by adult or institutional authority.. This vulnerable population requires protection. Safeguarding children includes regulations aimed at child rights and protection as well as requiring permission from parents or guardians on matters relate to children.
Children welfare services and programs. …show more content…
Keeping good track records on child welfare challenges can help to predict and counter future challenges for families and communities. Although the impacts of child welfare services for various problems, populations, and settings may differ, the USA approach should be emulated to ensure that children in the rest of the world enjoy similar services for the betterment of society. Child welfare strategies and program should not be dependent on local values or beliefs only. Government participation and adequate resource allocation to children well fare programs is key to their