Case managers help serve the vulnerable populations. Vulnerable populations may include the elderly, people with physical disabilities; young children and those with serve mental disabilities. This is done through a process that involves intake, assessment, intervention planning, advocacy and much more. A case manger over all helps a client through referral and resource information. This paper will discuss and focus on a very vulnerable population, young children. Through research this paper will focus on five main points. First, information about the population that was chosen will be discussed, how and why the population was of interest, how case management is used to help this population, what limitations and strength’s can be brought to the case management of this populations and lastly potential multicultural issues and solutions will be looked into.
The Very Young
The vulnerable population that has been chosen to research is the very young, children. This population is vulnerable because often a child does not have a voice and is to young to begin to understand and deal with family and life situations. These situations may include, domestic violence, drug abuse and neglect. These type of clients need advocacy and resources to help them be in a safe nurturing environment. Some children may be taken from their homes and parents and placed in long or short term care in order to protect them. Those children who are taken away for a long-term situation are given care till they reach an independent age. A child who may be taken on a short-term plan will need to receive resources and support by extended family or foster parents. This population has coping difficulties because they are so young and do not really understand what is going on.
Area Of Interest
This vulnerable population was chosen as an area of interest for a few reasons. First, I have always had an interest in helping better the lives of those who do not have a voice and
References: U.S Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Child Welfare and Information Gateway. Retrieved from Reference Publications . (2010). B Net Publications . Retrieved from