Professor Brenner
Confessions of a Student Slave
Many students are being told and taught that memorization is the key to getting good grades, but not everyone has the same memorization skills and some people need more assistance other than reading the information. Every student learns in a different way. Many resources to make the information stay within their brain and to be remembered later when it’s necessary.
Memorization has more than just reading the material, you have to incorporate it in real life so it will be easier to memorize. Memorization can be made useful by putting the information on index cards, watching videos, doing activities etc. practice the information makes it easier to retain. We tend to memorize the information for that certain test or quiz and right after taking the quiz, the information is automatically blacked out like you never learned the information to begin with; meaning that you did not use your memorization skills to it’s full potential.
You have to be able to want to learn the material in order for you to master it. You have to learn it for you and not anyone else. The information that you learn is for your own learning experience and should be kept at all times. Teachers need to find ways on how their students learn the information.
Students tend to have problems with coming up with their own information when it comes to doing projects and writing papers so they end up taking information from other websites and not citing them making it plagiarism. Students need to realize that they are allowed to take information from other websites they have to cite where they got the information.
In conclusion, students and teachers need to find out how they are able to improve the memorization skills for years and assignments to come. Understand what helps them learn and retain information.