Calls are growing for a more equitable society with regard to the current debate on whether the minimum wage in Hong Kong should be raised to HK$35 a hour. Before making any conclusion, I’d like to make respond to one of the opposition’s view --minimum wage is crippling the businessman. This is an unreasonable and exaggerated argument as the booming rent price in Hong Kong is a wide known significant factor. While it is crystal clear that the businessmen are trying to pass the buck to their employees, the government seems to be unwilling to negotiate with the businessman. Therefore, I strongly agree with the writer. Rising up the wage level is a change that our city so desperately needs and with that, I believe CY should stand to shake up a system in desperate need of transformation.
In respond to: Festival aims to encourage open dialogue It’s not that accepting homosexual in the society is a problem, but the deeper issues behind gays right are very challenging and we must bear in mind that our next generation will be affected. The objective of Hong Kong’s LGBT Festival , Pink season and Mr Gay Hong Kong is to promote the talent and contribution of Hong Kong’s homosexual. However, it seems that the objective of these events is blindside by ‘’fight for equality’’ slogan. Is it necessary for the gays to come out and hold big event together to express their talents just because they want to show to others that they are proud to be gay? Gay rights is definitely a hot issue right now, but it seems that fighting for gay rights is overriding the real meaning behind and many people are exploiting the issue in order to make themselves well-known. What’s more is that the festivals are very commercial and objective, showing the public how proud the gays are, but not telling the whole story. I believe there are many more alternative ways to encourage a open dialogue other than holding