Set in the projects of Brooklyn, New York, The Coldest Winter Ever is the story of Winter (aptly named because she was born during one of New York's worst snowstorms) Santiaga, the rebellious, pampered teenage daughter of a notorious drug dealer. Winter's father, Ricky Santiaga, has attained substantial wealth through his drug empire and lavishes his wife, Winter, and Winter's three younger sisters, Porsche, Lexus, and Mercedes, with the best things money can (and can not) buy. Unbeknownst to her father, Winter has picked up on all of his hustling tricks and does whatever is necessary to get what she wants. Winter's world is turned upside down, however, on her 16th birthday when her father suddenly decides to relocate his family and his growing "business" to Long Island, but Winter is determined not to sever ties with the old neighborhood. The downward spiral in Winter's young life begins when her mother gets shot in the face by foes of Santiaga. Shortly afterward, the FBI arrives at Santiaga's mansion, seizes all of his and the family's possessions, and the drug lord is sent to prison. It is at this juncture that Winter and her sisters are placed in the custody of the Bureau of Child Welfare (the girls are not placed in their mother's custody given the fact that she was unemployed). Refusing to live in a foster home, Winter goes to live with an aunt; the tables are turned on Winter when her aunt steals all of the money Winter has left, and her former best friend, Natalie reports her to the BCW as revenge and Winter officially becomes a ward of the state. After being taken out of her aunt's home, Winter starts living at the House of Success, a group home for teenage girls. Her new surroundings do not stop Winter from hustling; she makes money by selling her housemates clothes and cigarettes and doing their hair. Winter's main source of income, however, comes from…