The documentary “waiting for Superman” deals with children with different backgrounds desperately trying with all their strength to become accepted into a charter school because the public school system is failing. The parents of the children are doing the best that they can to save them from the potential failure they could face in public schools. This reminded me of my parents, because they did all they could to get me into the charter school that I now attend, and I admit that before I did not want to enter it at all, but after I realized the chance I had and I loved it. As I watched this documentary, it hit me that I am lucky to be sitting in a charter school at the moment because the kids being documented have it way worse that I do. Most of them have no economic support, which makes it even worse to get accepted and continue staying in that school. In my opinion, this was an eye opener and I enjoyed every second of the film. This movie made me appreciate every little thing I have in my life, and to not complain so much about my school, because we all do it even though we have a great school system. I personally despised the fact that most of the children in this movie did not get accepted, because it was clearly shown how much they wanted it and how much they really needed it. Charter schools are exclusive, which does not give every student the opportunity that I have. After watching this, I re-evaluated my perspective on school, and agreed to value what I
The documentary “waiting for Superman” deals with children with different backgrounds desperately trying with all their strength to become accepted into a charter school because the public school system is failing. The parents of the children are doing the best that they can to save them from the potential failure they could face in public schools. This reminded me of my parents, because they did all they could to get me into the charter school that I now attend, and I admit that before I did not want to enter it at all, but after I realized the chance I had and I loved it. As I watched this documentary, it hit me that I am lucky to be sitting in a charter school at the moment because the kids being documented have it way worse that I do. Most of them have no economic support, which makes it even worse to get accepted and continue staying in that school. In my opinion, this was an eye opener and I enjoyed every second of the film. This movie made me appreciate every little thing I have in my life, and to not complain so much about my school, because we all do it even though we have a great school system. I personally despised the fact that most of the children in this movie did not get accepted, because it was clearly shown how much they wanted it and how much they really needed it. Charter schools are exclusive, which does not give every student the opportunity that I have. After watching this, I re-evaluated my perspective on school, and agreed to value what I