Erika Christakis, in “The War on Public Schools” (Atlantic 2017), argues that the public school system in the U.S has been denigrated. Christakis supports her arguments by telling how most of the Americans have lost faith in the public school system, demonstrating how even the secretary of education Betsy DeVos see the public school system as a dead end, explaining how articles and documentaries as “Waiting for Superman” had led to false conclusions about the teachers unions, and finally, describing how the public school achievements have been minimized. Christakis’s purpose is to inform readers about the conditions of the public education system in the U.S in order to create interest about the current system of education. Christakis uses a…
1. Lois lane was introduced as a more adventurous woman compared to the stay at home wives.…
Overall, Waiting for “Superman” exemplifies the qualities of both an interactive and expository documentary. It seeks to change the American public school system, change policies, and influences people’s beliefs through powerful voice-overs along with questioning and interaction with students and families who are directly effected by the school systems. The documentary is clear and concise in its job of representing epistemological issues that are major in American society and currently taking…
Have you ever wondered if you received the best education growing up? Can you recall a bad teacher that made you hate the class they were teaching? For some of us, having good teachers meant getting good marks in school. In "Waiting for Superman", Davis Guggenheim, demonstrates throughout his documentary on the importance of good teachers and schools, and how they have a tremendous impact on students and their education. We can make our students futures brighter, if schools get more involved in the education of their students. Rather than making decisions that are not in the best interest for our children's education, schools need to focus on providing better education for children. To stop so many schools from being failure factories.…
Bob Rath in his article “The Dropout Rate of Community College Is Problematic,” discusses exactly what its title says it does. The key focus of this entire article is about how dropout rates for community college students have risen within recent years and how it can affect our nation’s economy in the years to come. With less people in the workforce, businesses nationwide will be understaffed and as a result unable to make as much profit as it should. The author elaborates on this crisis when discussing problems that students face when during their time at college such as financial issues, students being unprepared for college-level courses, and possible remedial forms of education.…
In the article The Right to Fail, William Zinsser believes that the word dropout should not always have negative connotations. Persons who are under a certain age and leave school, or drop out, are often considered failures by societies set standards. Zinsser believes these standards set by society makes failing an almost unspeakable act and that the media, through advertisements and commercials, shows successful people living an American dream, filled with happiness, not the failure associated with dropouts.…
After watching this documentary I believe that the main argument is that our public school systems are failing. A great example from the documentary is Francisco. He is in a public school and his teacher told his mother he is at risk for repeated the grade because he can not read. But his mother strongly disagrees because she takes him to reading classes and the community college. Francisco’s reading teacher tells his mother he is on level. His mother tries to contact his teacher but receives no response. Francisco’s reading teacher told his mother to go above the teacher and go to the school district. I used this as an example because it is the teacher that does not care which is making the student fail because he isn’t getting the help he supposable needs.…
The film Waiting For Superman is a film directed by Davis Guggenheim that talks about the public school system in the United States.This film uncovers the many ways in which education in America has declined. Rather than following largely on statistics and expert opinions, Guggenheim focuses on five students whose names are Anthony, Bianca, Daisy, Emily and Francisco.Viewing the students struggles and triumphs in the school settings where there are no easy solutions to the issues that affect them.…
The documentary “waiting for Superman” deals with children with different backgrounds desperately trying with all their strength to become accepted into a charter school because the public school system is failing. The parents of the children are doing the best that they can to save them from the potential failure they could face in public schools. This reminded me of my parents, because they did all they could to get me into the charter school that I now attend, and I admit that before I did not want to enter it at all, but after I realized the chance I had and I loved it.…
All through our lives teachers are an important factor in our education from the very first day we begin to learn how to walk and learn to count. In the film of “Waiting for Superman” directed by Davis Guggenheim, we are taken through the different ways that the public education system has failed students in urban schools. By interviewing reformers different ideas are brought to attention on how the public educational system can be improved. Guggenheim takes us through the lives of five different students, four of whom attend public schools, and one in a catholic school, that all attempt to leave the public school system behind. Experiencing the struggles of these students and their families, we learn how they are placed in a lottery system to be able to gain admission at a charter school. All with the same goal in common and dreams of a better education, students still have to rely solely on luck. The film later shows how four of the five students are turned away by the lottery.…
Great, I will see you Friday. I am sorry, the third question is supposed to say scores instead of sources. The question is asking how you feel the resources provided at the school influence the test scores. The documentary is for a final in the class of social problems. My group and I had to create a project that would bring awareness to a specific social problem involving Education. The movie Waiting for Superman, is the inspiration behind the documentary. We wanted to create a more updated version of that movie, but on a smaller scale. Our focus, is on the differences that exist in the college and career readiness of the different schools in Jefferson County to portray that inequalities that exist between schools. We are interviewing former…
Students’ dropping out of high school has become an ongoing phenomenon throughout the nation. High school dropouts will face many challenges throughout their lives. The attainment of various skills and higher levels of education are very important in today’s competitive world and economy. High school dropouts, on average earn less money, are more likely to end up in jail, are less likely to be married, and are most likely to be unhappier than high school graduates. Even though education gaps hav,e soared to new heights, dropout rates throughout the past three decades have been mostly unchanged. This problem highly affects minorities and low-income students. The primary goal of this paper is to provide a plan to lower the high school dropout…
DC Comics is one of the largest and most successful companies operating in American comic books. In the late 1930s, DC Comics presented the world with two of the greatest superheroes known to comic book history. They created two characters, Superman and Batman, to restore peace and justice back into the world, one villain at a time. While Superman and Batman share the same mission to defeat evil and to never kill the enemy, they differ in terms of their superhero capabilities and the villains they face.…
2. Unfulfilled Promise: The Dimensions and Characteristics of Philadelphia 's Dropout Crisis, 2000–05. Retrieved from –…
I couldn't imagine my life if I dropped out of high school. What would my parents say? Where would I live? What kind of job would I get? Watching this story I thought about the schools that my family members and friends attend , in fact I saw alot of kids in there that I know who are like the four students in this documentay, Sparkle, Lawrence, Marcus, and Marco issues that affect them like alcoholic parents, no parental guidance, deportations and fear of missing out on non-important things.…