In the Indigenous community, Aboriginal people learned about their environment before they were able to identify the characteristics of animals, plants, sources of food and water, useful materials and the weather. The stories that they tell provide them with a map of their environment and information such as trade routes and resources. With the knowledge they had due to their access to information about their land led them to know how to travel successfully around the Australian landscape which then enhanced their imagination that helped them compose more dreamtime stories. The Aboriginal people are introduced to the spiritual world through the dreaming stories which are important teachings that make up their identity.The Aboriginal people travelled the same routes through the lands that their ancestors once used, these are called the dreaming trails. This strengthens their communication with the ancestors and are able to build on their relationship with their land and identity.
In the painting Wakirlpirri Jukurrpa also known as the ʻSnake Vine Dreamingʼ by Liddy
Walker Napanagka the relationship between the Aboriginal people and their land is evident. This is known because of the representation of certain lines and colours in the painting. The curved black lines represent the forests of snake vine trees leading to the central lake depicted in the lower half of the painting. Referring back to the Aboriginal flag the colour black represents the Aboriginal people, this shows that there is a bondage between the people and their land as
Bibliography: History Of Aboriginal Art – Aboriginal Dreamtime Fine Art Gallery. 2013.History Of Aboriginal Art – Aboriginal Dreamtime Fine Art Gallery Aboriginal Art Culture and Tourism Australia. 2013. Aboriginal Art Culture and Tourism Australia Indigenous Australiana Beliefs. 2013. Indigenous Australiana Beliefs. [ONLINE] Available at: Gadi Mirrabooka: Australian Aboriginal Tales from the Dreaming - Google Books. 2013.