When thinking about the cultural aspects of the wall rhetorical appeals are present. When one first sees the picture of the wall it just looks as if it is a regular wall. When getting closer to the wall there is spray painted messages on the wall that represent how people feel about the wall. Once reading the writing on the wall a sense of melancholy begins to come over you. People are writing what they want to happen on the wall. This this would appeal to pathos. The messages that are written have a quality of power over the reader because they can evoke a feeling on …show more content…
Not everyone agrees with the with what is going on around them. They do not want the wall to be there. It does on create unity between all the individuals. Because the wall does not create unity, it creates an unwanted separation between the people. There is sympathy present all over the wall that stops and makes an individual think about other cultures way of life. Borders and walls can determine who a person is because where they come