The purpose of this feature is to provide information about companies that are in the technology field. These articles allow you to better understand what these companies are currently doing and if it is a good idea to start investing or it is time to get out. This feature tells about what deals are underway with the specific companies. One feature, …show more content…
You might also want to know if a new product is going to be better than the current product that 's on the market. This feature also has tech reviews on new products. It has new startups that you might want to keep an eye on for future investment ideas. These new tech startups might be a good investment that nobody is yet talking about. This feature might be a good start for individuals that want to become more tech savvy allowing them to understand what the tech companies are doing and how they are making …show more content…
This deal helps Google to a big market. The deal was important to Google to reach the bigger market and to help with distribution. VSP offers these services to help with Google Glass roll out. That was one hurdle that Google need to overcome the next is offering a prescription lens for consumers. And not to market Google Glass just for the nerds.
Heard on the Street Observation 3:
Ramachandran, S., & Knutson, R. (2013, December 18). Sprint, Dish Teaming Up to Develop Wireless Broadband. The Wall Street Journal, MarketPlace, p. B5.
This article is about how Dish and Sprint are working together to bring wireless broadband to consumers. It describes on how two companies just a few months ago were biding against each other over " Clearwire Corp". Now they are working together. In the articles it talk that Dish will handle to customer contact. And sprint will handle the wireless service for the customers.
Heard on the Street Observation 4:
Cheng, J., & Barnes, J. E. (2014, December 24). Samsung Phone Studied for Possible Security Gap. The Wall Street Journal, MarketPlace, p.