The story begins by the narrator stating “I am a rather elderly man.” This is further expanded by the narrator, or lawyers, calm composure “i seldom lose my temper” (which is later found to be somewhat incorrect,) and use of experience in his field of work. For …show more content…
That being said, the “dead” symbolism used in the story is key to understanding both Bartleby’s descent into madness, and the ending. Bartleby can be described as a “dead man walking” in a sense, having come to terms with death, with the depressing and un-important job at the Dead-letter office bringing about this change. As noted by Ann Woodlief, the last few lines make mention to biblical passage, bringing some to interpret Bartleby’s journey as a revelation for the narrator, both changing his character, and bringing about a fundamental view on the nature of humanity. Any interpretation of this text will be biased by many factors, such as time era, socio-political events and themes, generation attitude, etc. For me, this story speak volumes on the western institution of Wall-Street, but for other times it could speak volumes on the christian figure of