The majority of these shoppers were married women who income was around 50,000 to 79,999 and found it cheaper to shop at Walmart where the prices are so much cheaper because they have families and saving money is why a lot of people shop at certain places.
The current age level for the shoppers at Target was 25-34 which is a lot lower than the ages that shop at Walmart. The income levels for these shoppers were 50,000-79999 and females were also their main shoppers. As from the statistics the age of the shoppers was lower than Walmart which is the only difference in between Walmart and Target. From these statistics, the target market for Target seems to be on the Lower end of age while the target market for Walmart seems to be middle age. In the future target is announcing a new chemical strategy that addresses their entire value chain, operations and every product that they sell. Target new chemicals policy means that on the product they will include all of the chemicals on the packaging of the product which is good for those people that want to know what’s in every item that they purchase and is a good safe alternative to buying a product that doesn’t list any of the chemicals. This will definitely increase the amounts of customers at that shop at