“Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.” -Sam Walton
Like the founder of the world’s largest retail company said himself, Walmart has certainly appreciated everything their associates do for their business. Everything, including dying. While Walmart has been scrutinized in the past for unethical behavior, one of their most heinous acts in recent years has been secretly taking out life insurance policies on unsuspecting “rank and file” employees and cashing in on them after they die. This highly publicized and shameless act is only one of the many reasons why Walmart has dozens of hate groups all over the internet, and even has an organization dedicated to watching their every move. was created for the sole purpose of holding the company “fully accountable for its impact on communities, the American workforce, the retail sector, the environment and the nation’s economy.” (
With their low prices and ubiquitous presence, the company has attracted millions of customers looking to save money in America, and Walmart has now successfully expanded their stores beyond the U.S. into 14 other countries. ( A very aggressive corporate strategy has made Walmart one of the most successful businesses in the world, but at what cost? As of today, there are many people who view Walmart as a tyrannical, money-hungry bully, and they do little to counter those views. Yes, they provide financial support to charities, pour money into organizations that help low-income communities, and have even given generously to countries that have undergone natural disasters. However, a multi-billion dollar company giving away money and saying it does good work is not very sincere, nor is it convincing.
Actions speak louder
Cited: Fishman , Charles. "The Walmart You Don 't Know." 1 Dec 2003: Web. 13 Apr 2011. . "Is Walmart really a "Green" Company?." N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr 2011. . "Wal-Mart in Trouble with Labour Relations Board: Illegal Surveillance, Threats and Intimidation of Workers." 14 Jan 2003. Web. 13 Apr 2011. ., “About Us” section.