Financial Performance Analysis
Prepared by Angus Jones & Partners, LLC
Company overview Company direction & new product info Company financials
Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow Analysis Ratio Analysis
Expansion plan analysis Overall recommendations
Angus Jones & Partners, LLC
Company Summary
Founded 15 years ago Small initial investment to start company The same group of investors has supplied the limited additional funds needed by the company in the form of both equity and short-term and long-term debt
Angus Jones & Partners, LLC
Company Direction
Recently developed Virtual Keyboard (VK) Planning to introduce the new product and expand the business To introduce the VK, Warf Computers will require significant outside investment
Angus Jones & Partners, LLC
New Product Summary
Utilizes sophisticated, artificial intelligence algorithms Based on proprietary, advanced software / hardware hybrid technology Full generation beyond current products in the market Allows users to speak naturally Converts spoken word to text while correcting spelling and grammar errors Formats the document (using preset user guidelines) Suggests alternative phrasing and sentence structure Provides detailed stylistic diagnostics
Angus Jones & Partners, LLC
Financials – Balance Sheet
Assets Current Assets Cash & equiv Accts Receivable Inventories Other Total CA 2010 2009 290 251 459 428 411 425 59 50 1219 1154
Liabilities Current Liabilities Accts Payable Notes Payable Accrued Expenses Total CL Long Term Liabilities Deferred Taxes Long Term Debt Total LT Liab Total Liab SE/OE
2010 262 71 158 491
2009 245 66 257 568
212 756 968 1459 2010 13 81 509 1558 -121 2040 2040 3499
103 736 839 1407 2009 13 80 499 1028 -81 1539 1539 2946
Fixed Assets PPE Less Acc Dep Net PPE Intangible Assets Total FA Total Assets Total Assets
Angus Jones & Partners, LLC
2631 2038 859 700 1772 1338 508 454 2280 1792 3499 2946 3499