Today japan is one of the most industrialized countries of the world, but about 70 years ago, it was totally bankrupt and destroyed. World War 2 was a disaster for the nation, specially the nuclear bomb disaster. They have managed to repair themselves, and become very powerful. They did that, by slowly producing stuff, using their own raw materials to make mostly cars using their war factories from ww2, exporting the stuff, importing more materials using the money they earned. But now the pollution level in japan is extreme. I would like to debate if japan, making so much industry on so little land was a good idea.
In my opinion, the advantages for japan are:
A perfect economy,
Worldwide respect,
Cheaper products (the ones made in japan)
Better trade income,
Bigger taxes from Japanese’s companies export/import of products,
Better infrastructure.
And, the disadvantages are:
Less land for food/farming,
Serious pollution problems,
Prohibited swimming in coastal areas,
Less space for housing,
Extreme overpopulation in main cities.
Also, there were some more serious problems caused by pollution in the 20 century, like asthmas and diseases. 4 of the most large ones were:
Name of disease Cause Source Year
1 Minamata disease Mercury poisoning Chisso chemical factory 1932 - 1968
2 Niigata Minamata disease Mercury poisoning Shōwa Electrical Works 1965
3 Yokkaichi Asthma Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide Air pollution in Yokkaichi 1961
4 Itai-itai disease Cadmium poisoning Mining in Toyama Prefecture 1912
My personal opinion is the fact that building so much factories in such small area wasn’t a great idea from the start, but for a country that grew up from a poor destroyed nation, into an electronic empire of technological advance, the