Narrator: An epidemic has spread through the land, not one of disease and illness, but of religious, political, and social change. A Reformation was in place, a religious movement that resulted in the establishment of Protestant churches. Four men who contributed to this reform of the Catholic and Protestant churches were King Henry VIII, Martin Luther, Pope Leo X, and John Calvin, and they have gathered to discuss how this Reformation dramatically changed Christian unity in Europe.
King Henry: Welcome all, to this glorious meeting. Now Pope Leo and Martin Luther, for the sake of John Calvin and I, try to be civil.
Martin Luther: He is the one who excommunicated me! His church was corrupt! Selling pardons …show more content…
You aided others by letting them believe they could do as they wish, say what they wish, worship as they wish!
Martin Luther: I did the people a favor! The Catholic Reformation needed to happen, someone needed to fix the grievances and decadents of Rome.
King Henry: The man has a point, Lutheranism has become much too dominant in Germany.
Pope Leo: You hypocrite! You speak as if you are not at fault for anything! Divorce was unspeakable, then you go and treat it as a mere rule. How many wives did you have? Five, six, or was it seven? I will not even bring up your Act of Supremacy.
King Henry: No wonder why you were blamed for Martin Luther’s behavior, you cannot control anyone, except the harlots that you lie with! You were brought up in Medici tradition of scholarship, you appreciate the arts, and spent any money on projects!
Martin Luther: You two are so undeniably vacuous. You two are responsible for the political effects this Reformation had. There is this unholy alliance the Church has with the Government. The Church used the Government to put itself above civil matters, and the Government used Church morals to make the people dedicate themselves because they have civil