December 1, 2012
REL2011 Sat 9:30am
Wat Buddharangsi
When it came down to me finding out where I wanted to do my site visitation for this class, it was actually a lot harder than I thought. I grew up in a household that had Hindu morals and values, however, my parents’ view on religion were quite vague. Growing up we never attended church (temple) and the only time we celebrated any religious holiday is when our grandparents came around. My parents believed in allowing my little sister and I to grow into our own religious beliefs. At first I considered practicing Christianity because most of my friends are Christian and I figured it would give me an opportunity to learn more about them. I ended up attended a service at a Baptist Church called New Birth Baptist Church located in North Miami, but when I sat down to write the paper I had nothing interesting to write about. I started researching different religions and finally came across a Buddhist temple called Wat Buddharangsi.
Before visiting the Wat, I found a contact number on their website which I called to find out more information. A woman answered the phone and there was an extreme language barrier between the two of us. I wasn’t able to get her name however, I understood the Wat held a service in English on Sunday afternoons during the hours of 3-5. After having an unsuccessful conversation I continued to do online research. I found that the Wat Buddharangsi is open to the public every day from 7 am to 5 pm. During those hours, the public is able to speak and visit the monks, no appointment needed. They have chanting’s on Sunday at 6 am and 6 pm. They also offer meditation in English on Sundays from 3-5 pm as well as in Spanish on Monday at 6 pm. It is expected that when attending that you dress appropriately and not wear anything provocative. Also, it is preferred that you dress in light colored clothes. They also ask that prior to entering the building that you remove your shoes