In order to get a better understanding of Buddhism, I attended the Tung Lam Buddhist Temple in Wilmington, North Carolina. The Tung Lam Buddhist Temple is a Vietnamese Buddhist Temple, instead of a Chinese Buddhist Temple. When I visited the temple on Wednesday, there were no services occurring. Services are held on primarily on Sunday and held on …show more content…
Instead the only time that you saw the Great Books was when you looked and saw them on a shelf outside. The first step is to study the great books and once you studied it you practice the rest of the time. After the interview, the monk that we interviewed gave us a paper with the Three Refuges and The Five Precepts on it. The Three Refuges are you taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. The Five Precepts are basically morally standards that Buddhist live by, for example you promise not to engage in harming living things, taking things that are not yours, sexual misconduct, lying, drinking alcohol and using drugs. In the words of monk that was interviewed to be pure is to be free of the evils that contaminate a person's life. You need to make sure that you show compassion to everything and everyone, being happy will give you a good life. Another belief by Buddhists that the monk talked about is that everything in the world is a part of your body. So if you destroy the environment you are hurting your body because the two are