Department of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences
University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna
SPCM1: Speech Communication I
Course Outline and Syllabus
Academic Year, First Semester, 2013-2014
Course Description:
SPCM 1 is a GE-AH course that covers the theories and principles of speaking and listening, and how they could be effectively and ethically applied in various situations.
Course Units: 3
Course Prerequisite/s: -
Course Objectives:
At the end of the semester, students are expected to – 1. Explain the nature of the speech communication process; 2. Demonstrate perceptiveness and critical thinking in everyday speaking and listening experiences; 3. Respond appropriately to communication problems at all levels; and, 4. Employ thought, verbal and nonverbal symbols effectively and ethically in different communication situations.
Course Requirements:
At the end of the semester, students are required to fulfill the following:
Lec – 1. Class exercises / assignments 2. Written examination (midterm) 3. Written examination (final)
Recit – 1. Quizzes, exercises, assignments 2. Speech choir 3. Short speeches 4. Group discussion 5. Persuasive speech
Course Grading System:
Lecture activities (40%) | Recitation activities (60%) | % | Class exercises/ assignments | | 10 | Midterm exam | | 15 | Final exam | | 15 | | | | | QEA | 5 | | Speech choir | 10 | | Short Speeches | 15 | | Group discussion | 10 | | Persuasive speech | 20 | T o t a l | 100 |
Course References:
AGRAVANTE, Josefina (ed). Readings in Comm 3. QC: DSCTA, UP.
BEEBE, Stevenson A and John T. Masterton (1994). Communicating in Small Group: Principles and Practices, 4th ed. USA:Harper Collins College Publishers.
BRILHART, John K and Gloria J. Galanes (1992). Effective Group Discussion, 7th ed. USA:Wm C. Brown Publishers.
References: BEEBE, Stevenson A and John T. Masterton (1994). Communicating in Small Group: Principles and Practices, 4th ed. USA:Harper Collins College Publishers. BRILHART, John K and Gloria J. Galanes (1992). Effective Group Discussion, 7th ed. USA:Wm C. Brown Publishers. CAMPBELL, Karlyn Korhs (1996) The Rhetorical Act 2nd ed USA:Wadsworth Publishing Co. CRAGAN, John F. and Donald C. Shields (1998). Understanding Communication Theory: Communicative Forces for Human Action. Boston:Allyn and Bacon. GRONBECK, Bruce E., McKerrow, Ray E., Ehninger Douglas, and Allan H. Monroe (1997). Principles and Types of Speech Communication. 13th ed. NY:Addison-Wesley Educational Publishing Inc. LETTERI, Richard (2002) A Handbook of Public Speaking. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. VERDERBER, Rudolph F. (1997) The Challenge of Public Speaking. 10th ed. CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.