SAWS Bursary Application Form for Full Time Bursaries
1. Read carefully before completing, signing or submitting this form. 2. Ensure that this form is completed in full. 3. Complete in BLOCK LETTERS. 4. Note that this bursary cannot be used to pay for existing loans or debts. Criteria: 5. Ensure that this form is duly signed. 6. Application forms with incomplete information will be disqualified. 7. Application forms with incorrect information will lead to your application being disqualified. 8. No faxed application forms will be accepted. Ensure that you meet the following: 9. Attach ALL of the following documents REQUIRED: 8.1 8.2 Certified copy of a valid Senior certificate (if you have completed Grade 12). Certified copy of the latest academic transcript or record on official letterhead or logo (if you are already at university or university of technology). Certified copy of a valid South African identity document. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Post completed forms to or hand delivered to: Posted to:The Chief Executive Officer, The South African Weather Service, Private Bag X097, Pretoria, 0001, For the attention : Ms. Thuli Kganye
8.4 8.5 8.6
Hand delivered to:The Chief Executive Officer, The South African Weather Service, 442 Rigel Avenue South Erasmusrand Pretoria For the attention: Ms. Thuli Kganye
SAWS Bursary Application Form for Full Time Bursaries
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Surname First names Date of birth Place of birth Identity No. SA Citizenship Gender Race Do have a disability Yes Male African Yes
If YES, describe the nature of disability:
No Female Indian Coloured No White
Residential address with postal code
Postal address with postal code
Contact telephone numbers including dialing codes Email address Have you ever been found guilty of a