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Home // Publications // Danube Watch // Danube Watch 3/2010 // Biodiversity and water
Biodiversity and water
Countries are working together to implement legislation that seeks to increase the resilience of biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems by balancing sustainable water use with the long-term protection of available resources.
Biodiversity and water
Countries are working together to implement legislation that seeks to increase the resilience of biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems by balancing sustainable water use with the long-term protection of available resources.
Credit: NP Danube Floodplains/Kern (left), and NP Danube Floodplains/GolebiowskiNavara (right)
The Danube River Basin, including its tributaries, is home to around 2,000 plant and 5,000 animal species, including numerous endangered or nearly extinct species.
2010 is the international year of biodiversity and also important forwater. Although rivers and lakesmake up only 1% of the globe‘s land area, freshwater ecosystems host a disproportionally rich diversity of species. Some 40% of Natura 2000 sites contain freshwater habitats, and many more terrestrial habitats are waterdependent. Likewise, 70% of protected habitats and