The story begins in-media-res with a thorough description of the setting in which the story takes place. We, the readers, are given the idea that the story takes place at an idyllic, quaint location, as the introductory lines of the story depict the bank of a river with the surrounding fields and their belonging cattle on a warm summer day, and the next few describe the movements of the river and the sun that is being reflected in the surface of the water. Although the surroundings are described as being peaceful and attractive, we are, …show more content…
We go from the extremely chaotic walk to the river, to the cooling and calming sensation of actually being in the water, and with this, back to the idyllic impression we were introduced to in the first part of the story. Her actions also reflect this as they, too, are being described calmly. The calmness is dominating the overall telling of the story for a long time, until she encounters a swan while being in the water. She observes it insecurely from afar, at first being uncomfortable with the situation, but then gradually gaining enough courage and curiosity to swim closer to the swan, and eventually she decides to swim up close, where she notices it is bound by a rope, and frees