Prior to 1860 the United States was already split into opposing sides fighting for power. Although these conflicts never reached the battlefield, the slaves states and free states were always competeing for representation in congress. Each side wanted more states for them to get more representation. To prevent too much conflict, they decided on numerous compromises such as the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850. Although these did ease tensions to some degree, they were only delaying the enedible. It started when Abraham Lincoln was voted as president. South Carolina was the leader of the southern states and began the cesession of the states. After Lincoln was inaugurated in 1860 seven states ceded from the Union and soon after four more joined them. The south believed that they had the constitutional right to cede. (Doc A) South Carolina feared that the north would gain enough power over the south that they would abolish slavery in the south. South Carolina felt that their powers were being smuthered so they had no choice but to cede from the Union. This of course was the start of a very bloody war for both the northern and souther states. This conflict led to the Emancipation Proclamation and the freeing of the slaves in the south. However this was only the beginning of the revolution which the nation was going through.
The end of the Civil War marked the end of the