Mental Health is how we think, feel and behave. Mental Health is a person’s everyday worry that could lead to a person’s life long worry. It can affect a person’s daily life, relationship with other people and physical health. Most people in Canada are affected by mental health disorder through a family member, friend or colleague and it also affect people of all ages. 8% of adults in Canada experiences major depression. 1% of Canadians will experience a bipolar disorder and 1% will also experience schizophrenia. 5% of Canadians will also experience anxiety. Moreover, 10-20% of youth’s population in Canada also experience mental health disorder. 5% from male youth and 12% from female youth experience …show more content…
depression from ages 12-19 which estimates to 3.2 million. To the people that are going through mental health disorder, to overcome this, they should get enough rest: sleeping for seven to eight hours, learn good nutrition: what you eat and how it affects your body, exercise and by limiting alcohol and cigarettes. There are a lot of types of mental health disorder, some of them are: depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and a lot more.
Everyone experience mental health disorder in their life at least once in their lifetime.
In America, 27% of adult will experience mental health disorder. An average American has 47.4% for health disorder. This is getting worst because as time pass by and if an average American reach the age of 75 years old, the tendency of their health disorder can reach to 55%. In addition to that, Europe is also another country who is experiencing a high percentage of mental health disorder. In Europe, 38.2% of its population is affected by mental health. It is estimated to 165 million people. Anxiety is also one of the biggest worry of European with its 14% from their whole population and 7% from major …show more content…
Moreover, the story of Marlies that is entitled My Journey is connected to a person with a mental health disorder. Marlies was working in London in 2001-2002 when she became very homesick and depressed. She was later on diagnosed with depression. However, she says that depression is a pot-traumatic stress since she recalled that she has been bullied when she was a teenager and when she experienced a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Japan when she was in an exchange program. Despite of all these and after taking a variety of medication, she later on found a better job and was able to empathize her co-workers since they had the same experiences. On the other hand, Brian did not know that he was experiencing anxiety. His first experience was when his heart was pounding fast, mind racing and uncontrollable shaking. Brian went through a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and through the help of his wife, friends and colleagues, he is now getting better. He suggested that asking someone for help will lessen anxiety.
“Women are more likely to be treated for mental health problem than men.” 29% of women has now been healed from a mental health disorder while 17% of men are. When it comes to being vocal about symptoms, women are the ones who speaks out and who are more heard. Since women are usually the ones that are vocal, 1 in 4 women are going through depression, but 1 in 10 men are also going through depression which is a lot more compared to women. At any rate, men are more likely to have an alcohol or drug problem with 80%.
John M Grohol says that mental health is not curable. He says that everything that is happening now are just treatments. He says that most of them does work, but to those who are seeking for help, take a lot of time in finding the right person and the right treatment for their health. This is effective in influencing my own position because it tells me that not all treatments can help and it is just a matter of fact. If I were to be a mental health patient, this would affect me knowing that there is a least amount of getting “treated”. The narrator is being biased because he is showing that not all treatments help and he agrees that mental health are disorders that cannot be cured. He made a conclusion that you cannot cure mental health disorder and the only way to cure it is helping people to understand what it is by learning ways of coping with its symptoms so you are aware of.
What are Mental Health Problems?
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Study Finds Nearly 2 in 5 Europeans Suffer from Mental Disorders. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from
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