Asian Carps
1) Where is the species from originally?
Asian carps are originally from Asia and were brought to North America in the 1960s and 1970s. There are four species, (Silver carp, Bighead carp, Grass carp and Black carp). Asian carp can eat 5-20 percent of their body weight and they eat, plankton, mussels, snails and plants.
2) How did it arrive? Was it introduced accidentally or intentionally?
Asian carps arrived by being brought to North America from Asia in the 1960s and 70s and since then, they migrated through U.S. waterways to the Great lakes. Asian carp were introduced intentionally because aquaculture managers in the southern United States imported theme for biological control of algae, plants and snails
in their ponds.
3) What is the population of this species in Ontario now? Where in Ontario can it be found?