The Asian hunters came to America for countless amounts of reasons and not all of them had the same reasons. One reason these hunters might have come to the Americas is because many of them might have thought that they could have gotten a better life than what they had gotten where they lived. Another reason they might have come to the Americas is because the number of animals at the area they lived were decreasing because of the other hunters in that area not giving other hunters opportunity to kill animals so they would have a good food source. Speaking of food source people's food supply got decreased because of the ice age so it was harder to survive because of the cold weather conditions and the lack …show more content…
The hunter mainly hunted mammoths, mastodons, camels, moose as large animals. They also hunted antelope musk ox bighorn sheep deer moose fox otter beaver saber-toothed tigers and bison. These hunters use these animals for multiple reasons going from food to shelter. They used these animals unique features to create weapons use it to make shelter, create different types of tools to create different animals since not all animals are the same and can be killed the same way. The earliest Americans also used these animals to create clothing to protect themselves/keep warmth from the