The essential facts of the case are that Hathaway Jones, a luxury apparel retailer had been in a mature market for some time and was trying to transition and grow its overseas business. Fred, the CEO decided the most promising expansion for the company was within China’s luxury goods market, which was growing by 70% a year. The best candidate to fill this position was Mimi, she held an ivy league degree, had two successful brand relaunches, and grew up in China. However, Mimi participated in political protests against China when she was in college, thus a potential problem of diplomatic relations with China could be created for Hathaway Jones. This discrediting information was discovered upon a Google search from a senior member of the Human Resources department, Virginia. A final issue is the lack of internet responsibility for emerging young professionals, this is an area that could be further addressed by the HR department.
Analysis and Evaluation
Hathaway Jones is the top priority in the case under review, to further the shareholder profits and assure business sustainability, global growth is a must. To have Mimi on staff would be a financial gaining opportunity for the company, not hiring Mimi could give another firm the advantage of her progressive innovation and creativity. However, hiring Mimi could also pose a threat to good trade relations between China and Hathaway Jones due to her past behavior, which could give another firm the advantage in the market.
Fred and Virginia both had a responsibility to protect the firm’s best interest. Although Fred was doing a long time friend a favor by giving his daughter an interview, her credentials stood on her own. The fact that Virginia used the internet as a source to find information out about a future employee means several things: 1. some legal issues surrounding privacy could arouse, 2. she should be technology savvy enough to know that technology is progressing and