In the middle of chapter eight, when the house fire is under control, several villagers take advantage of the situation to go into the house and destroy it. Many of the villagers wanted the house to completely burn down. Jackson writes that they wanted them dead, one villager yelled “put them back in the house and start the fire all over again” (108). This all proves that the residents of the village hated the Blackwood family. In conclusion, Charles Blackwood with his greedy attitude became one of the most despiteful characters of the novel. The villagers did not disappoint either with their envious actions and horrible accusations towards Merricat and Constance about their family misfortune. This all proves that that Cousin Charles Blackwood and the villagers of We Have Always Lived in the Castle are the villains of the
In the middle of chapter eight, when the house fire is under control, several villagers take advantage of the situation to go into the house and destroy it. Many of the villagers wanted the house to completely burn down. Jackson writes that they wanted them dead, one villager yelled “put them back in the house and start the fire all over again” (108). This all proves that the residents of the village hated the Blackwood family. In conclusion, Charles Blackwood with his greedy attitude became one of the most despiteful characters of the novel. The villagers did not disappoint either with their envious actions and horrible accusations towards Merricat and Constance about their family misfortune. This all proves that that Cousin Charles Blackwood and the villagers of We Have Always Lived in the Castle are the villains of the