Assignment #2
1.) Explain the different characteristics of the human person. * Family-oriented - the anak-magulang relationship is of primary importance to us Filipinos. Ama, ina, and anak are culturally and emotionally significant to us Filipinos who cherish our filial attachment not only to our immediate family, but also to our extended family. This family-centeredness supplies a basic sense of belonging, stability and security. * Meal-oriented (salu-salo, kainan) - because Filipinos consider almost everyone as part of their family (parang pamilya), we are known for being gracious hosts and grateful guests. Serving our guests with the best we have is an inborn value to Filipinos, rich and poor alike. We love to celebrate any and all events with a special meal.
* Kundiman-oriented - the kundiman is a sad Filipino song about wounded love. Filipinos are naturally attracted to heroes sacrificing everything for love. We are patient and forgiving to a fault (“magpapaka-alipin ako nang dahil sa iyo”). This acceptance of suffering manifests a deep, positive spiritual value. * Bayani-oriented - we Filipinos are natural hero-followers. For all our patience and tolerance, we will not accept ultimate failure and defeat. We tend instinctively to always personalize any good cause in terms of a leader, especially when its object is to defend the weak and the oppressed. To protect this innate sense of human dignity.
* Spirit-oriented - we have a deep-seated belief in the supernatural and in all kinds of spirits dwelling in individual persons, places and things. Even in today’s world of science and technology, Filipinos continue to invoke the spirits in various undertakings, especially in faith-healings and exorcisms.
2.) What is moral life for the Christians? * Means living out the Faith. It is a “living out” grounded in Christ’s Truth, received from the Church and professed in the Creed. It is a