1. What are the four elements of weather?
The four elements of Weather are Wind, Temperature, Moisture and Air Pressure.
2. What are the three states of water?
The three states of water are solid, liquid and Gas.
3. Explain the differences between solid, liquid, gas- how much energy is being used? What are the particles doing?
The difference between solid, liquid and gas is Solid has low energy and is cold, liquid is medium energy and is warm and gas has a high energy and is hot. The particles in a solid are a slow movement, cold temperature and the particles are very close together. A liquid has a medium movement, medium temperature and the particles are some what apart. A gas is a fast movement, …show more content…
hot temperature and the particles are very spread apart.
4. What is a thermometer?
A thermometer is used to measure the heat outside (also known as temperature.
5. Where does wind come from?
Winds comes when air molecules are moved from areas of high pressure to areas of cold pressure areas.
6. What is an anemometer,a barometer and a wind vane? What do they measure?
An anemometer is a stick with littles cups attached to it, the more it spins, the faster the wind measures wind speed and it is used to measure the wind speed.
A Barometer a basically an airtight metal can with a needle on it and it measures the amount of pressure that is on a certain place on earth, when the pressure increases the needle moves and when the pressure decreases the needle bends backwards. A wind vane shows the directions of the wind, it has north, east, south and west on it and when the needle points to one of them that is which way the wind is going.
7. How does a convection box work?
In a convection box there are two tubes one with a candle in the bottom, when the put in the cold air the candle heats it up and then the warm air rises which means that the cold air sinks down to the bottom of the convection box
8.Explain the properties of warm air and cool air
The properties of warm air are that it is light so it rises, can hold water and the properties of cold air are that it is more dense, and it cat not hold water.
9. Explain low pressure and high pressure
When warm, light air begins to rise it does not push so hard against the earth, this is low pressure. Colder, heavier air sinks downwards pushing on the earth more, this is high pressure.
10.Definitions- temperature, melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation, convection, jet stream, wind
A)Temperature- the degree and heat of which is in a certain spot
B) Melting- ice becoming liquid by heat
C) Freezing- a liquid turning into a solid by cold
D) Evaporation- is when the sun heats of the liquid even more and then turning into a gas vapour
E) Condensation- water that collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it
F) Convection- a movement in gas or liquid which means the warm air rises and the cold air sinks
G) Jet Stream- Wind that is caused by the spinning of the earth 15 km over North America.
H) Wind Chill- Wind chills is when winter winds combine with colder temperatures to make it feel even colder.