Student Number – 10386501
IS40530 Weaving the web assessment essay
The World Wide Web is today one of the most fundamental platforms across which people use
this global network to complete a full spectrum of tasks and activities and is vital to how humanity
operates in our modern world. Computers, laptops, satellites, servers, tablet devices, mobile
phones, Television networks are all examples of devices which are inter connected and help form
what is becoming a more globalised society. Every single device that is connected to the internet
is linked to each other whether it is a mobile phone, laptop, Computer, tablet PC, IPad, IPhone and
even modern aircraft are connected while they travel across the globe. This global system has the
capability of providing a worldwide broadcast system. The internet has been developed to facilitate
endless human endeavours and its constant evolution mirrors the constant change in how we use
technology. The humble beginnings of Information technology and the consistent evolution of how
we use the internet and utilise electronic devices show how invested humanity is in maintaining and
expanding technologies role in society. The web makes use of electronic mail, instant messaging,
Voice over Internet protocol(VOIP)
telephone calls, two-way interactive video calls, discussion forums, blogs, social networking, e- commerce sites, mass financial transactions through the use of online systems which process Credit/
Debit card systems which link banks to retail point of sale units through the main Visa/MasterCard
facilitators and allow for the conditions of a global economic system where large amount of money
can be sent instantly within any physical barriers.
The internet was first developed by the US department of defence and MIT in the 1950s where it
was first considered for military use after World War Two. One of the most prominent scientists
in the early years of the