Website Review
HCS 457
Sherri Fergusson
June 15, 2015
Instructor: Ebony Wardlaw
Find national, state, and local governmental health agency websites that address the issue you selected in your Week One assignment. Follow the example to document your findings in the table.
Health issue: Infant Mortality
Website Information Type
Type of Surveillance: survey, self report, statistics, case report, and so forth
Data changes over time: Has the incidence increased or decreased?
Identify two interventions that affect the issue.
Local website: ItemId/33/Default.aspx
Search and review, deaths, and
Survey and Statistics
Infant Mortality rate has improved somewhat over time, however in Arkansas has been consistently higher than that of the nation as a whole since 2007.
1. Education provided for awareness of following safe sleep practices for prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
2. Home visitation of high-risk families.
Local website: Kim, E. W., Teague-Ross, T. J., & Greenfield, W. W. (2014, January). Telemedicine Collaboration Improves Perinatal Regionalization and Lowers Statewide Infant Mortality. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 69(1), . doi:10. 1097/01.ogx.0000442817.34860.71
Hospital review, past – death involving neonates
Survey,, Surveillance Data Search, Case reporting and study.
Infant Mortality was studied from 2003 - 2009, to determine whether the Telemedicine program decreased VLBW (very low birth weight) deliveries in hospitals without NICUs, impacted morbidity and mortality in these infants and decreased statewide infant mortality.
Study revealed that benefits of Telemedicine are:
1. It has been used in the management of gestational diabetes, performance of targeted ultrasounds, support to mothers discharged early after delivery, and management of postpartum depression.
2. Also provide the highest-risk,