The purpose of this discussion board is to provide you with a forum to discuss your newly discovered production and operations management concepts in light of current issues and real world situations with others in the class. In essence, it is a practice ground for ensuring that your reasoning and foundation of these concepts are secure. This portion of the course requires you to interact with your fellow classmates.
After completing the textbook reading and lectures above, select at least one of the weekly concepts below. Then find a current event in an article at the online periodical listed to illustrate that concept. Compose an analysis of that event or situation using the weekly operations concept that you selected.
Try to choose the concept that has been addressed the least by your classmates. Your post is due by Midnight (Central Time) Thursday.
Next, respond to at least three classmates’ posts by Midnight (Central Time) Sunday. Remember that content matters. You need to write more than “Great Job” or “I agree with you” to get full credit on your discussion responses.
Week 1 Discussion
The weekly textbook concepts for our discussion this week are:
Operational efficiency
Operational effectiveness
Operational Sustainability
Strategic Operations Planning
Operational Productivity
Operations and Supply Chain Strategy
Select one of these concepts and find a related article at the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/ . Try clicking on "Business" on the left to see the business related articles or search by entering your topic in the search box.
You’ll find one (or several articles) to analyze. Remember to focus upon your selected concept in your anlysis. After reviewing and analyzing one of the current events articles, post your analysis and comments to your classmates below. For full credit, review three of your classmates postings and reply to them.
If you 're the first to enter the
References: Jacobs, F. R., & Chase, R. B. (2010). Operations and supply chain management. (13 ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.