Week 1, DQ 1 * Post New Thread * Print Page * Close Window
Posted: 7/6/13 6:33 AM, by: Jennifer Friedrich, Ph.D. (jfriedrich1@email.phoenix.edu)
Post a 50-150-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:
If you were to introduce yourself by the ethnic, racial, or other identities to which you feel you belong, what would you say? Do you consider yourself a “typical” American? Why or why not?
Dr. Jennifer Friedrich
University of Phoenix jfriedrich1@email.phoenix.edu Posted: 7/8/13 9:53 AM, by: Angela Nelson (AngelaNelson1987@email.phoenix.edu)
When I am asked about my ethnic backgrounds I have always said Spanish. You couldn't tell this by looking at me but my Dad's side of the family is Spanish and Navajo mixed and my Mom's side is from all over the place and mainly from Texas. I get my looks from her because they are all light skinned and light eyes but I really identify with my Dad's side of the family. I would say that I consider myself a "typical" American, I would imagine that we all can. The United States is great because of all the diversity, with so many different people who consider themselves American I think its hard to say there is even a "typical" looking American.
Posted: 7/8/13 2:01 PM, by: Terrell Harris (tharris3321@email.phoenix.edu)
Well I am half white and half black. I personally do not consider or identify myself as being either black or white. I guess I just let everyone else decide that for me because it doesn’t matter to me at all. Because of my skin color people consider me to be black, however my friends joke and say that I am the whitest black man they have ever met, and that comes from both my white and black friends. I would consider myself to be a typical American on the simple fact that America is the melting pot of the world and I would be considered prime example of that with everything that I am mixed with. Terrell Harris
Posted: 7/8/13 3:27