Chapter readings: 2 (p.), 9 (p.), and 10 (p.) of Programming in Visual Basic 2010.
Bringing Advanced Techniques Together
JavaScript and databases and web services website design and techniques
DQ 1
Does the use of CSS affect the ability to use the advanced web techniques that you have applied throughout the course?
The ability to use CSS in advanced web will not alter the advanced web techniques since it is used in the look and formatting of a web page. CSS from the client or browser side only reads the code but that is not to be said that some browsers will not show or read the coding correctly. CSS filters help read and fix problems that might occur when the code is read incorrectly. CSS keeps coding simple and using it with JavaScript for example may aid in the loading of pages faster by combining and compressing files, which helps in database systems. CSS is versatile since not only does it helps aid in the look of a web page but other features such as buttons for leading to another page or buttons for surveys, or error messages.
DQ 2
What issues can arise with the use of JavaScript® language along with server-side programming, such as .NET? What issues does the programmer need to be aware of when developing in both languages?
JS is probably the most used programing with almost every website having a few JS lines in it. Server side apps software that access to databases, files, and network sockets are capable APIs and in my opinion there is a hazy line between server-side and client-side scripting, for example server-side scripts can manipulate a web page DOM, browser quirks and bugs are some biggest complaints (Tetlaw, 2013).. JS engines are on most browsers with many server implementations of JS in conjunction with PHP, ASP.Net, and Ruby on Rails. JavaScript libraries such as jQuery would work on the server and as noted previously features such as server-side DOM manipulation should also be possible. On the