Java History Java is an object-oriented program language created by Sun Microsystems in May of 1995. The language was originally part of the "Green Project" which was handled by a staff of thirteen people at Sun known as the "Green Team." During it's first releases, the language was known as OAK, and it was originally intended to be used for converging devices, which was seen as the next great computing wave. Most of this never saw the light of day, and as the project was about to be scrapped, the Internet took hold in late 1994; the language was almost perfect for this new platform. It was introduced to the world at a SunWorld conference on May 23, 1995, given its new name Java, which came from the drink of choice most of the Java Technology team drank often in order to work the long hours it took to tweak the interpreter to be used for various operating systems and the Netscape Navigator browser.
JavaScript History While the name would make it seem as though JavaScript is a mere subset of the Java language, this is inaccurate. In fact, the two don't even show the same creators. JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in